The past , present and future of me...thankz for reading..:)


can i get one like this ?

HAHA sile sedar diri yee intan. rumah awok tu flat je ! :D
yee now saye sedar diri da keh keh :)


midnight movie '


HYE! okay smlm acctly me n my fren liza plan dr pagi da mmg nk tgk wyg..last2 sye boleh bantai tido lak liza, sorry ! hehe :P then tggu punye tggu lastly kteorg smpai kt mid pkul 9 chmtuh. smpai2 je xyh ckp la en bape line pulak nk kne brator..when i know that battleship pkul 10 da sold out haha lg bengang! tpi still lg brator en..mengharapkan supaye ade la kosong for kami berdue. tapi xde jugak..sadis! 12.30 je ade..fikir punye fikir amek je la kan..wlaupon baris no 2 dri depan :) tapi sumpah terhebat ! :) i think korg sume kene tengok. x rugi punye ! best ! :) 


from him ;)

Find a guy who call u beautiful instead of hot,who will lie under the stars n listen to ur heartbeat, or will stay awake just to watch u sleep.. wait for da boy who kisses ur forehead, who wants to show u off to the world when u are in sweats, who holds ur hand in front of his friends, who thinks ur just as pretty without makeup on.One who is constantly reminding u of how much he cares and how lucky he is to have YOU..The one who turns to his friends and says, that her! 

message on facebook. a conversation with  me n him.  when i miss him, i'll read all our messages..then i smiled :)
i think i choose a right guy..n it is  him..aqib  :)



if i said sound complicated...but if i said u r part of my life sound like ♥