The past , present and future of me...thankz for reading..:)


lompat-lompat!! : bola!


sakit tekak sye stu family jerit2 tgk bola! hahah tpy best!malaysia pnye hal jerit smpai kuar anak tekak pon ta pe..! stu family excited! tpy yg paling excited mama sye!!mcm dia pulak yg tgh main bola..hahahaa!mama suke sgt dgn 'si apek' tuh..puji beria2 beno! hee..
jap!si apek mne pulak nii..?!
okey silap!..bkn si apek..tpy si penjage gol ok!


mama pggil dye si apek sbb muke dye chm apek cine!
ble apek tuh dpt tgkap bola je msty dye ckp..
''ha tgk apek mama dpt tgkp lg!..sayanglah apek!!".. 
okey adik sye yg dduk sblah sye da pndang sye dan sye yg dduk d sblah mama ni dh garu kpale! dlm hati..blh tahan jgk excited mama ni tgk bola..!haha!...:)

CONGRATULATIONS to Malaysian footballers!!!

sye BANGGA jdy anak MALAYSIA YEAHhh!!

don't let me fall..:)

Underneath the moon, underneath the stars
Here's a little heart for you....
Up above the world, up above it all
Here's a hand to hold on to

But if I should break, if I should fall away
What am I to do?
I need someone to take a little of the weight
Or I'll fall through

You're just the one that I've been waiting for
I'll give you all that I have to give and more
But don't let me fall

Take a little time, walk a little line
Get the balance right
Give a little love, gimme just enough
So that I can hang on tight

We will be alright, I'll be by your side
I won't let you down
But I gotta know no matter how things go
That you will be alright

You're just the one that I've been waiting for
I'll give you all that I have to give and more
But don't let me fall, don't let me fall

Underneath the moon, underneath the stars
Here's a little heart for you....
Up above the world, up above it all
Here's a hand to hold on to

You're just the one that I've been waiting for
I'll give you all that I have to give and more
But don't let me fall

You'll be the one that I'll love forever more
I'll be here holding you high above it all
But don't let me fall..

 here a little heart 4 u = ♥♥



Selamat Menyambut Tahun Baru Maal Hijrah Dan Salam Muharram..:)

huhu!ariniey seharian penat rse..pgy umah pkcik kt sremban..ade bwt knduri sket sempena myambut maal hijrah neey...tlg masak sume!fuhh pnat!cuace agak panas arini yee! tpy yg bes pe taw!wlupon ltih sket..dpt msak  n mkn kari kambing!!!perghh.!sedap wooo!!terbaikk!!hehee...^_^
anyway..bkn nk cte psl kari kmbing oke!:)
sllunye pgy rmah org intan biase je....
but ariniey intan try blja pakai selendang!hihii...
sbb ta prnah pkai slendang..penat taw lilit2 satu kpale..haha..:P
sllu pon pkai tudung biase je..
nk tgk x?
ni la hasilnye...intn pkai sndri taw!tnpe prtolongan org lain..:)

hahaha...2 je nk cte sbenanye..



pesanan nabi sebelum tidur

Sekadar ingat mengingati.. ...


Perkara Sebelum Tidur( Tafsir Haqqi )

Rasulullah berpesan kepada Aisyah ra : "Ya Aisyah jangan engkau tidur

sebelum melakukan empat perkara, yaitu :

1. Sebelum khatam Al Qur'an,

2. Sebelum membuat para nabi memberimu syafaat di hari akhir,

3. Sebelum para muslim meridloi kamu,

4. Sebelum kau laksanakan haji dan umroh....

"Bertanya Aisyah :

"Ya Rasulullah.. .. Bagaimana aku dapat melaksanakan empat perkara


Rasul tersenyum dan bersabda : "Jika engkau tidur bacalah : Al Ikhlas

tigakali seakan-akan kau mengkhatamkan Al Qur'an.

Bismillaahirrohmaan irrohiim,

Qulhualloohu ahad' Alloohushshomad' lam yalid walam yuulad' walam


lahuu kufuwan ahad' ( 3 x )

Membacalah sholawat untukKu dan para nabi sebelum aku, maka kami semua

akan memberi syafaat di hari kiamat.

Bismillaahirrohmaan irrohiim, Alloohumma shollii 'alaa syaidinaa

Muhammad wa'alaa aalii syaidinaa Muhammad ( 3 x )

Beristighfarlah untuk para muslimin maka mereka akan meredloi kamu.

Astaghfirulloohal adziim aladzii laa ilaaha illaa huwal hayyul qoyyuum

wa atuubu ilaih ( 3 x )

Dan,perbanyaklah bertasbih, bertahmid, bertahlil, bertakbir maka

seakan-akankamu telah melaksanakan ibadah haji dan umroh"

Bismillaahirrohmaan irrohiim, Subhanalloohi Walhamdulillaahi


illalloohu alloohu akbar(3 x )

Sekian untuk ingatan kita bersama....

Hope in you!

For so long I have hidden away my heart
But something happens when I hear your voice
Feelings and wants come rushing back
My heart taking over in this I have no choice

So many times have I been given false hope
And for once I want to have it be true
To throw caution fully to the wind
Only wanting to believe souly in you

To have the smiles and the laughs
No looking back on the moments only to cry
To keep you in my heart forever
And not having to ask the question why

So now I am gunna give it my all
Close my eyes and see the world through yours
Let my heart and your hand be my guide
No more secrets, no more closed doors.



1 DECEMBER 2010!!
its my lovely MOTHER BITRHDAY!!!
huhuu..pagi2 lg da wish mama bufday dye..
plan nk wish mama kul 12 mlm smlm..x jadik..
sbb mama da tido..x nk ggu..
so wish pgi ni jela...^_^!!
suddenly!ptg tuh..
ABAH kol!swoh siap2 nk byk mama pegi mkn..
(dlm otak skang ni pk mkn je..pdahal bru mkn tdy!hAHA!)
smbong blek..
abah bwak kami semua pgy mkn kt TUPAI-TUPAI!!!:)
x pnah pgy kt stu sblom ni..
area2 kl jgk..
agak bes tmpat dye..
dgn lmpu kuning2 segale..pokok2!kayu2!haha..
tenang...n agak romentik!!
...... mama..
wane tudung mama da same chm wane lampu!hahaa..;)

muke abah ngan mama sbelom mkn..
perhati btol2...
muke mereka slepas mkn.!xde beza!!same je!..heheee~

adek eisya n aiman..

si bongsu gemok!!

tisya!sesat jp..x msok dlm snarai..sbok nk ekot..bwk jelaa..:)


Ist time tgk signboard pembaziran mknan akan dknekan byaran.!. x abes sumbat dlm mulot oke!
bgos gk..xde org mmbazir!:)
huhuu..sbek la sye ta mkn steamboat time tuh....:)

to mama:




..kakak sayang mama..